Friday, January 20, 2012

Batas Pambansa 232: Chapter II. THE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY


Preliminary Provisions

Section 5. Declaration of Policy and Objectives - It is likewise declared government policy to foster, at all times, a spirit of shared purposes and cooperation among the members and elements of the educational community, and between the community and other sectors of society, in the realization that only in such an atmosphere can be true goals and objectives of education be fulfilled.

Moreover, the State shall:

1. Aid and support the natural right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth through the educational system.

2. Promote and safeguard the welfare and interest of the students by defining their rights and obligations, according them privileges, and encouraging the establishment of sound relationships between them and the other members of the school community.

3. Promote the social economic status of all school personnel, uphold their rights, define their obligations, and improve their living and working conditions and career prospects.

4. Extend support to promote the viability of those institutions through which parents, students and school personnel seek to attain their educational goals.

Section 6. Definition and Coverage - "Educational community" refers to those persons or groups of persons as such or associated in institutions involved in organized teaching and learning systems.

The members and elements of the educational community are:

1. "Parents" or guardians or the head of the institution or foster home which has custody of the pupil or student.

2. "Students," or those enrolled in and who regularly attend and educational institution of secondary or higher level of a person engaged in formal study. "Pupils," are those who regularly attend a school of elementary level under the supervision and tutelage of a teacher.

3 "School personnel," or all persons working for an educational institution, which includes the following:

a. "Teaching or academic staff," or all persons engaged in actual teaching and/or research assignments, either on full-time or part-time basis, in all levels of the educational system.

b. "School administrators," or all persons occupying policy implementing positions having to do with the functions of the school in all levels.

c. "Academic non-teaching personnel," or those persons holding some academic qualifications and performing academic functions directly supportive of teaching, such as registrars, librarians, research assistants, research aides, and similar staff.

d. "Non-academic personnel," or all other school personnel not falling under the definition and coverage of teaching and academic staff, school administrators and academic non-teaching personnel.

4. "Schools," or institutions recognized by the State which undertake educational operations.

Section 7. Community Participation. - Every educational institution shall provide for the establishment of appropriate bodies through which the members of the educational community may discuss relevant issues, and communicate information and suggestions for assistance and support of the school and for the promotion of their common interest.

Representatives from each subgroup of the educational community shall sit and participate in these bodies, the rules and procedures of which must be approved by them and duly published.

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