Friday, January 20, 2012

CHAPTER 3 Duties and Obligations... Batas Pambansa 232

Duties and Obligations

Section 14. Duties of Parents. - In addition to those provided for under existing laws, all parents shall have the following duties and obligations:

1. Parents, individually or collectively, through the school systems, shall help carry out the educational objectives in accordance with national goals.

2. Parents shall be obliged to enable their children to obtain elementary education and shall strive to enable them to obtain secondary and higher education in the pursuance of the right formation of the youth.

3. Parents shall cooperate with the school in the implementation of the school program curricular and co-curricular.

Section 15. Duties and Responsibilities of Students - In addition to those provided for under existing laws, every student shall:

1. Exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service, particularly by undergoing an education suited to his abilities, in order that he may become an asset to his family and to society.

2. Uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve academic excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his academic responsibilities and moral integrity.

3. Promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing the rules and discipline, and by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow students, the teaching and academic staff and other school personnel.

4. Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare, particularly in the social, economic and cultural development of his community and in the attainment of a just, compassionate and orderly society.

5. Exercise his rights responsibly in the knowledge that he is answerable for any infringement or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of others.

Section 16. Teacher's Obligations - Every teacher shall:

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school.

2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified learning objectives in pursuance of national development goals within the limits of available school resources.

3. Render regular reports on performance of each student and to the latter and the latter's parents and guardians with specific suggestions for improvement.

4. Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and advancement and maintain professionalism in his behavior at all times.

5. Refrain from making deductions in students' scholastic rating for acts that are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.

6. Participate as an agent of constructive social, economic, moral, intellectual, cultural and political change in his school and the community within the context of national policies.

Section 17. School Administrators' Obligations - Every school administrator shall:

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school.

2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective administration and management of the school.

3. Develop and maintain a healthy school atmosphere conducive to the promotion and preservation of academic freedom and effective teaching and learning, and to harmonious and progressive school-personnel relationship.

4. Assume and maintain professional behavior in his work and in dealing with students, teachers, academic non-teaching personnel, administrative staff, and parents or guardians.

5. Render adequate reports to teachers, academic non-teaching personnel and non-academic staff on their actual performance in relation to their expected performance and counsel them on ways of improving the same.

6. Observe due process, fairness, promptness, privacy, constructiveness and consistency in disciplining his teachers and other personnel.

7. Maintain adequate records and submit required reports to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

Section 18. Obligations of Academic Non-Teaching Personnel - Academic non-teaching personnel shall:

1. Improve himself professionally be keeping abreast of the latest trends and techniques in his profession.

2. Assume, promote and maintain an atmosphere conducive to service and learning.

3. Promote and maintain an atmosphere conducive to service and learning.

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